Monday, March 31, 2014

Third novel, coming soon ...

I meant to write a YA dystopia for my third novel, but that one got temporarily set aside while I worked on an adult horror/romance with vampires. I've finished the first draft of the vampire book and will begin editing/rewriting as soon as I'm done with this post! It's called Lurid, and I've had it FOREVER. I'm so happy I finally got around to writing an ending. I also astonished myself with some of the sex and violence I added to it this time around, so, yeah ... Breaking personal boundaries with this one.

This is the cover:

I quite like it. It's totally my style. However, I would love opinions and critiques. And beta readers, if anyone wants to get really helpful. (Don't worry. I'm a big girl when it comes to criticism. If there's one thing art school teaches you, it's how to gracefully take it when someone rips your work a new one.)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Read an E-book Week

I'm not sure why this image is so grainy ...

I'm participating in E-book Week at Smashwords. A Dark-Adapted Eye and Unchanged will be half off March 2-8. Just enter the code REW50 at checkout and enjoy!