Sunday, September 3, 2023


Hello again! Here's a playlist for my upcoming novel. I chose songs that capture the vibes of the book: dark, ominous, sexy, terrifying, etc. You know, the usual.

“What Else Is There” - Enslaved
“Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)” - AURORA
“Helm” - Ritual Howls
“Wasting” - The Soft Moon
“Dancing Barefoot” - Caress
“Strange Harvest” - Tempers
“Vicious Pastimes” - House of Harm
“This Place Called Nowhere” - Box and the Twins
“Into the Wild” - Agent Side Grinder
“The Storm” - Hante.
“Goodbye Gemini” - Blood Ceremony
“House of Metal” - Chelsea Wolfe
“The Darker the Weather // The Better the Man” - MISSIO
“Dark Stone” - Holy Fawn
“Don’t Fear the Reaper” - Keep Shelly in Athens

Shoutout to my friend Nenia for suggesting the Chelsea Wolfe and MISSIO songs!

I'm currently on my second round of editing. CURSE should be out soon! More updates to come. :)

Add The Curse of White Oak Grove on Goodreads!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Writing Update!

I feel like sharing a few details about my WIP! For once! Usually I shy away from that before I've written a complete rough draft, but whatever, here we go.

The working title is THE CURSE OF WHITE OAK GROVE, but it's a title that's growing on me, so it might stick around. It's about a girl who visited her grandma one summer at age 13, and bad things happened, so she tried to forget the town even exists. But after a death in the family twenty years later she returns, and guess what? She hasn't quite escaped those bad things! Luckily, this time she gets to bang a couple of hot dudes who may or may not have their own agendas, and probably don't care about her best interests.

- small town with dark secrets and horrifying traditions (of course)
- creepy ghost mansion
- non-virgin heroine who has a young daughter (not an overly precocious or annoying one, don't worry)
- heroine has sex with two different guys (not together, and not concurrently)
- the sex is explicit and spicy AF
- villianous love interest(s)
- dub-con
- one love interest has been celibate a long time
- messy relationships, etc. etc.
- me trying to out-toxic myself, let's goooo

My heroine, Aubyn, is a fool for love, which means she makes really bad romantic decisions and tends to ignore obvious red flags. She's not an idiot or TSTL; she just really wants love, and sometimes this translates into sex that may be detrimental to her emotional well-being. It just so happens that the sex in this book is too hot to resist, so maybe that's understandable. And I just really want to write a bunch of toxic smut. :P

I'm currently at about 74000 words (yay me!). I haven't quite decided on the ending, because I tend not to do things like "plan ahead" when I'm writing, so some details will probably change. I do have a good idea where I'm going though, and I'm pretty excited. I know I'll go through several stages of agony before I finally finish it, but that's just the way it goes. I'm hoping to have the book out later this year, so stay tuned. :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

DEAD LOVE: Coming Soon

I've been working hard (AND hardly working) on DEAD LOVE, the next installment in the DREAMS FOR THE DEAD series. It was difficult to come up with a plot (WHAT EVEN ARE PLOTS) and then it was difficult to implement that plot, but I think I've managed to do it in a way that will segue into the next book (which I'm planning to make full-length, hopefully). I have almost 30k words, and it won't be much longer. I didn't want to drag this out for very long, because oh my god, Leila is TRAUMATIZED. But she deserves a happy ending, and I hope some people will want to read it.

In the meantime, here's the playlist!